We aim to process all orders within 48 hours. Orders are processed on business days (Monday–Friday) and during business hours (8am–5pm) onlyPlease note: We do not post to PO Boxes. Please provide a full physical address, or alternatively please contact us so we can help you.
Delivery time: 2–4 working days.
Delivery cost: $7.50 New Zealand wide, FREE delivery in New Zealand for all orders over $100.
We pride ourselves on our integrity and in providing our valued customers with high-quality products. Our returns policy for online purchases is uncomplicated — if you are not happy with your product in any way, we will replace it or refund your money.
Return the products in their original packaging to us within 30 days and we will refund your credit card with the cost of your purchase less freight. Please note that any credit/ refund applied to a credit card will take your issuing bank’s standard timeframe for the credit to appear on your statement — this is typically 3–5 working days. If you wish to exchange your purchase for another product, we will happily pay the freight for the replacement item(s). Unfortunately, your original postage and/or import duty, customs fees and local sales taxes (levies) are not refundable.